Future Proof Nursing
Nurses as Key Drivers of Change

Organizer: HAN University of Applied Sciences
Partners: CWZ, Radboudumc, Waalboog, ZZG zorggroep and HAN Gezondheid en Vitaliteit
Topic: Regional Cooperation
Language: Dutch
Location: HAN
Contact: Minke Nieuwboer

Terugblik symposium

How can we as professionals in the Nijmegen region cooperate in future proofing nursing? Are you a nurse, researcher, policymaker, educator, or student, and are you interested in regional initiatives and projects? You are more than welcome to join our regional ENC22 hub.


  • Day’s chairpersons: Minke Nieuwboer and Fred Wolters
  • Keynote address: Anne-Miek Vroom
  • Marieke Schuurmans, Dutch Healthcare Authority NZa
  • Care Close at Home: Joint Care for the Vulnerable Elderly (Zorg dicht bij huis: gezamenlijke zorg aan kwetsbare ouderen) Workshop
  • A Culture of Learning and Improvement (Leer- en verbetercultuur) Workshop
