After posting the Final Announcement, ENC22 became the subject of critical remarks on Twitter, because of a lack of participants of color among keynote speakers and the congress committees. The remarks on Twitter made us realize that we had not been sensitive regarding this subject matter. In June 2021 we approached our committee members to attract a diverse line-up of keynote speakers. In hindsight, we did not pay sufficient attention to the mix of speakers. Future Proof Nursing is not possible without inclusivity and diversity.
We are very grateful for the active support of Sue Tranka (CNO Wales UK), Howard Catton (CEO ICN), Margrieta Langins (WHO Europe), Alba Llop Girones (WHO), Alexander Clark (University of Alberta), Pieterbas Lalleman (Fontys) and Evelyn Finnema, CNO in The Netherlands, in formulating a possible response.
We want to learn from this experience. The issue will be raised during ENC22. A CNO meeting will be broadcast live on the issue of inclusion and diversity.