Dr. Marjan Kaljouw
President of the Dutch Healthcare Authority

Prof. dr. Anne Marie Rafferty
President Royal College of Nursing
United Kingdom

Prof. dr. Pauline Meurs
Professor Health Management and Policy Erasmus University Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Prof. Richard Ricciardi
Richard Ricciardi is a Professor and Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement at The George Washington University School of Nursing. He is the current president of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

Prof. dr. Jet Bussemaker
President of the Council of Public Health & Society Professor in Policy, Science and Societal Impact, especially healthcare Leiden University Medical Center LUMC
The Netherlands

Dr. Elizabeth Adams
President, European Federation of Nurses Associations, Adjunct Associate Professor Curtin University Western Australia, Honorary Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (FFNMRCSI), Fellow of the Americian Academy of Nursing (FANN) RGN, Cert (ODN), BNS(Hons), Dip (Mgt), Dip (Counselling), Dip (Phy & Chem), Dip (Stats), MSc.