Call for Abstracts
European Nursing Congress 4 – 7 October 2022
Future Proof Nursing
Nurses as Key Drivers of Change – a virtual event with local hubs
European Nursing Congress 2022 (ENC22) is happy to announce the call for the submission of abstracts.
A 4-day virtual event, combined with local hubs for organizations.
We invite clinical nurses, researchers, educators, policymakers, patients, and technicians to join. Share your stories, pandemic related or not. Present your best practices and research, but also your key learning points. Future proof nursing requires us to be disruptive, to force ourselves to challenge, re-establish or re-think our attitudes, habits, and mindset.
ENC22 welcomes attendees from all over Europe as well as the rest of world.
Program set up
ENC22 offers an exciting variety of digital work forms. Presentations can be followed in real time, or online after the actual event.
- Hybride keynotes: interactive television where attendees can interact with keynote speakers
- E-Poster Breakouts and Gallery
- Oral presentations
- PhD Student sessions
- Symposia
- Roundtable discussions
- Panel discussions
- Ask the Expert Sessions
- Ask the Patient Sessions
- Digital Exhibition: Sponsor Dashboard
- Job Board
- Virtual Coffee Breaks
Networking is an important reason for participating in events such as ENC22, which this year offers in-person networking online. Smart matchmaking allows attendees to connect with similar-minded people. 1-on-1 or group meetings are easily arranged, and valuable connections exported with a single click.
Important dates
- 15 November 2021 | Call for Abstracts issued
- 15 December 2021 | Second Call for Abstracts issued
- 15 December 2021 | Start submissions
- 1 March 2022 | Submission deadline
- 30 March 2022 | Notification of acceptance
- 30 April 2022 | Presentation confirmation deadline
- 1 – 21 July 2022 | Late Breaker abstract submission
- 4 – 7 October 2022 | ENC22
Congress Aims
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the crucial role of nurses, and the contributions of nurses to achieving positive patient outcomes. But what lies beneath that statement? Nurses and nursing have always made a positive impact on individual healthcare experiences. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic the need for nurses to be responsive and adaptive has been brought into sharp focus. For example, developing new technological solutions to compensate for loss of personal contact, new communication systems to maintain engagement and key relationships, and innovative diagnostic and treatment solutions using tele-health. The pandemic may prove to be a game changer in many ways. COVID-19 has also highlighted health disparities, within and between societies. Nurses probably encounter these more than any other health professional and we occupy key roles in addressing these, including the use of new and innovative technologies. What has the WHO campaign Nursing Now (2018-2020) taught us in maximizing nurses’ contributions to achieving Universal Health Coverage?
All over Europe and throughout the world, millions of nurses are impacting the lives and outcomes of people. We aim to be key drivers of change, to enhance the transitions needed in nursing care, education, and research to future-proof nursing and the health of nurses. Future proofing also means health care with less emissions. If the health sector were a country, it would be the fifth-largest emitter on the planet. As the biggest group of health professionals, nurses should also address this theme.
Tracks, topics and categories
ENC22 welcomes abstracts addressing the four tracks and topics. The online submission system will prompt you to choose track and topic(s), as well as one of three categories that best applies to your abstract: Science, Leadership & Education or Technology & Implementation. Practice-based innovations are particularly welcomed.
Please note:
If your abstract doesn’t cover any of the topics, choose ‘other’.
1. Towards person and society-centred nursing.
- Person-centred models, frameworks and theories
- Physical, cognitive, and social functioning
- Co-decision making and Advanced Care Planning (ACP)
- Patients as co-researchers
- Personalized healthcare interventions
- Sustainable Development Goals: nursing contributions
- Disease prevention
- Health literacy and social media
- Education and Learning on person and society-centred nursing
2. From silos of care to integrated care.
- Whole systems approaches & complexity science
- Transdisciplinary systems modelling
- Models of care and the nursing contribution to their development
- Developments and innovations in clinical (nursing) practice
- Ethical, moral and legal issues in integrated healthcare
- Interprofessional Education and Learning on integrated care
3. From shortage of nurses to a sustainable workforce.
- Nursing recruitment and retention
- Ownership
- Developments in leadership
- Engagement and empowerment
- Workplace cultures
- Nurses’ mental and physical wellbeing
- Innovative and alternative career paths for nurses
- Education and Learning on sustainable workforce
4. From reactive to proactive inclusion of technology.
- Implementation science theories, models and approaches
- Tele-health innovations
- Digitalization strategies and methods
- Simulation in nurse education
- Sensor technology
- Artificial intelligence
- Innovative evaluation methodologies
- Ethical and juridical aspects of automatization
- Education and Learning on technology
Program set up
ENC22 offers an exciting variety of digital work forms. Presentations can be followed in real time, or online after the actual event.
- Hybride keynotes: interactive television where attendees can interact with keynote speakers
- E-Poster Breakouts and Gallery
- Oral presentations
- PhD student sessions
- Symposia
- Roundtable discussions
- Panel discussions
- Ask the Expert sessions
- Ask the Patient sessions
- Digital Exhibition: Sponsor Dashboard
- Job Board
- Virtual Coffee Breaks
Networking is an important reason for participating in events such as ENC22, which this year offers in-person networking online. Smart matchmaking allows attendees to connect with similar-minded people. 1-on-1 or group meetings are easily arranged, and valuable connections exported with a single click.
Abstract submission and reviewing procedure
- ENC22 invites you to submit abstracts for oral presentations, E-poster presentations and/or PhD sessions and symposia. The online submission system will prompt you to choose track and topic.
- In order to have your symposium session approved, 3 abstracts from at least two different countries, should be submitted by using the online Symposium Session Abstract Submission Form.
- The deadline for submission is 1 March 2022. Later submissions will not be considered.
- Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by e-mail.
- Proposals must be submitted using the online abstract submission forms published at
- Abstracts should cover original work that may already have been published in the last two years.
- There is no abstract submission fee.
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract before submission.
- Submission of an abstract implies formal commitment by the designated presenting author to register for the congress and to present the abstract. However, registration is not required at the time of submission.
- Abstracts may not be edited/updated after final submission.
- All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication. If you need help, please arrange for the review of your abstract by a colleague who is a native English speaker, by a university specific publications office (or other similar facility) or by a copy editor, prior to submission.
- All abstracts will be reviewed by the ENC22 committees and may be rejected or selected for poster instead of oral presentation.
- All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a book of abstracts and on the congress website prior to the congress.
- Please note that the corresponding author will receive all correspondence about the abstract. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that the resenting author also acts as corresponding author.
- Your abstract is successfully submitted if you receive a confirmation e-mail. In order to receive this important communication, please ensure that e-mails from are not considered as spam by your e-mail provider.
Late-Breaking submission
Late-breaking submission is open 15 June – 21 July 2022. A late-breaking abstract should contain new information. It should comprise of results that were not yet known, or fully available, on the previous abstract submission deadline, 1 March 2022.
When submitting your abstract, you will find a detailed list of key words that we will use to categorise your submission and match it with the appropriate reviewers. Please select the track, topic and category that best addresses the focus of your presentation (as your presentation may also relate to other tracks/topics). If you feel none of the topics covers your abstract, choose ‘other’. To facilitate the review process, please pay careful attention and complete all
application fields. Incomplete applications cannot be processed.
The abstract should include:
- Title (limited to 100 characters)
- Author and co-author(s)
- Affiliation details: department, institution /hospital, city, state (if relevant), country
- Abstract text Research: Introduction, Aim including research question, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and Implications for practice (limited to 2675 characters)
- Abstract text Practise-based Innovation:Introduction, Aim, Process, Results and Recommendations (limited to 2675 characters)